Do you buy Magic / Pokemon / Lorcana cards?
Yes, we buy cards!
Do you buy Magic cards? Yes.
Do you buy Pokemon cards? Yes
Do you buy Lorcana cards? Yes.
Do you buy Yugioh cards? Yes.
Do you buy Flesh and Blood cards? Yes.
Do you buy One Piece cards? Yes.
Do you buy Star Wars Unlimited cards? Yes.
What about other games like Force of Will, Cardfight Vanguard, etc.? No, we do not buy any of these games at this time, and we do not see this situation changing any time soon.
How much can I expect to get for my cards?
We price all cards that we buy or sell at TCGPlayer Low. All cards will be graded for condition using the TCG Magic Card Grading Scale. Cards that are damaged or smell strongly will have their prices lowered based on the condition of the card and/or may not be accepted at all.
Bulk Card Pricing
We define bulk as any card valued at less than $4.00. Gamers XP pays the following rates for bulk cards:
Bulk rares: $.10 each
Bulk commons/uncommons: $3.00 per thousand
Non-Bulk Cards
Any card valued higher than $4.00 are considered non-bulk cards. All cards will be graded for condition using the TCG Magic Card Grading Scale and priced based on that. We do not buy cards as "Near Mint". We price all of our cards using TCGPlayer Low, as follows:
Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, and One Piece: 60% value in Store Credit, 40% value in Cash (Subject to Manager Approval)
All other TCGs: 50% value in Store Credit, 30% value in Cash (Subject to Manager Approval)
There are occasional exceptions to this policy - for example a brand new set during the first 2 weeks of release. Prices can change drastically during this period, and as such we do not pick up any newly-released cards until 2 weeks after the set releases.
How do I sell you my cards?
Bring your cards to the store! If there are too many cards to price immediately, staff will take your name and phone number. We will then have a staff member price the cards out as soon as possible. Pricing cards can take a long time to do correctly, and our staff makes sure that you get the most money for your cards. We'll then call you and offer a price - you can accept it or reject it as you choose. They are your cards until you either accept payment or pick up the cards. In the event that you have a large collection that needs pricing, there will be a $25 Collection Evaluation Fee due at the time of drop-off. This fee will be returned to you in the event that we do pick up your collection.
Important Note about Counterfeits
Selling counterfeit cards to stores is retail fraud. We will not return counterfeit cards to individuals; all counterfeits will be destroyed. We will pursue legal remedies in the event that a counterfeit card slips past an XP employee but is identified later. We also require a state-issued photo ID on file for all cash trades.

Learn more about our trade policies and what you can get for bringing us your old, unwanted cards - plus how to get the most bang for your bulk!